Sunday, February 12, 2017

Deaths for 2017/02/05 - 2017/02/11

Hello Autograph Seekers and Friends.

We have lost a few good people last week

First was Professor Irwin Corey, he was 102.  He passed away on  February 6, 2017. Corey was the famous “the world’s foremost authority.”  He was one of the great early comedians.

Next on February 07, we lost Richard Hatch, he was 71.  Mr Hatch was probably best know for his role as Captain Apollo in 'Battlestar Galactica' but he appeared in many TV shows and Films throughout his career.

That is all for this post.  Next post will be my Successes last week and also a post about Fan Packs I have received.

Hope you have a full mailbox.  Best of luck in your collecting endeavors.

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